The Ritual Decapitation of Notre Dame As they move closer to establishing their ‘New World Order’, the  Illuminati are breaking down the symbols and structures of the ‘old’  order. Notre Dame was a classic example of this. They are focusing, not just on real institutions, but on those with symbolic value. As a  religious symbol, Notre Dame was a truly prestigious emblem of the  Christian ethos that they wish to eradicate. They didn’t just decapitate  the building but, in addition, beheaded the icons which symbolised the  foundation of the church founded by Christ.  [Posted 04/05/2019]   Gog, Google, Gold and the Goddess Blasphemy has been a central feature of witchcraft for thousands of  years. The Marxist-Illuminati cabal who control this world like to  blaspheme the LORD God of the Bible and to cunningly involve the  unsuspecting public in this wicked activity. This paper gives many high profile examples of this, including a blasphemous invocation concealed in the name 'Barack Obama'.  [Posted 08/07/2013] The British Campaign of Blasphemy against Christ and the Cross For several decades the ruling elite in the UK has been steadily  undermining Christianity and traditional Christian values by a variety  of means. This campaign has now moved into a higher gear, with  several outrageously blasphemous attacks on the person of Christ and  his sacrifice on the Cross. [Warning: The images shown in this paper,  which are for illustrative purposes only, are very disturbing.]  [Posted 16/06/2012]